Friday, August 18, 2017

9 ways

9 Ways to be Happy and Make Something of your Life- Gordon B. Hinckley

  1. Be grateful 
Image result for be grateful quotes If your always being grateful more people would like to be around you more.You will have more fun in your life and more friends.You will be in a better mood and do things that will make up happy.If you have a more positive  attitude people would like to be around you a lot more.Your happy attitude may even prove to be contagious making the people around you more happier too.You'll be more generous and caring more of people.Treat that person with as much kindness as possible.If your grateful for your job or business will help you get over your aggravation if one of your co-worker or employees leaves a task unfinished so that you have to complete it.People say that if your happy all the times you will live longer.

2. Be Smart

     3. Be Involved 
Image result for be involved quotesA lot of people get involved in stuff to be happy because if they have something going on there life they have something they could do so they don't have to think about it.Also they could not get in trouble a lot.For example if a bad student get involved in something in school it could teach him/her something from someone and stop doing bad stuff or  stop hanging with the bad crowd. Another reason that people get involved is to meet new people and to learn something new or have experiences.

   4. Be clean 
You have to be clean to be happy because you feel less stress.

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5. Be True
Another was to be happy is to tell the truth.Your going to be more happy if you tell the truth to someone.I know its hard to tell the truth but its better if they found out now then later because you are going to regret it later on in life.First that person is going to be mad but they will get over it later on.If you tell the truth people will want to be around you more and they could trust you with things.

6. Be Positive
Image result for be positive quote  Be positive everyday because you will feel better everyday.People want to be around you more because your positive person.Everybody likes to be around a positive person. Always look at the positive not the negative because if you look at the positive theres always a good part that comes out of it.If your a positive person theres always a negative person thats always good to bring you down ans always keep your head up.If you be positive and think positive, positive things will happen to you.

7. Be Humble
Image result for be humble quotesIf you be humble people will respect you and people could see that your humble.No matter what you do, no matter how successful you are, no matter how lucky you are, never boast about being better than anyone because in the end, you are  really just a branch. Whatever you do is just part of that branch, connected to other branches and tree that is larger than you.All the people who have gone before you, all the knowledge they built up, the language they coined that you use to communicate, the businesses and industries that rose to give you work, water, shelter and food, the upbringing your parents, teachers, or other loved ones gave you, what your friends have done for you, and so on. That's the root that supports everything you do and everything you are. Be grateful for what you do have.Always remember where you came from and those who helped you get to where you are.

8. Be still

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You have to be still because

9.Be Prayerful
Image result for be prayerful

Final Reflection: These are some ways that you can be happy. you have to always be positive or just see the positive more to be happy.Make other people laugh. Be happy for what you have in life because there's someone that have it worse then you. Some things that i will do is be grateful, be still, be involved with school and be positive. I chose these because i'm not really involved with school and sometimes i'm not positive and sometimes i have to be grateful what i have because some people don't have what i have.

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